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Sustainable Investments

ESG factors are the driving force behind our investment policies


Fideuram Asset Management SGR S.p.A., a management company in our Division, immediately launched the integration of ESG factors into the investment process and the investment advisory service in the belief that this important choice, in addition to promoting sustainable economic and social development, can make a positive impact on the financial results of customer portfolios while reducing risks at the same time.

We believe that issuers committed to integrating ESG criteria into their strategy are able to generate sustainable profits over time and, consequently, generate a solid prospect of creating value for all stakeholders.

This also ensures more efficient management of economic risks, including environmental, social and reputational risks, which negatively impact issuers’ ratings. Identifying and managing these risks is part of our fiduciary duty to protect the value created over time.

For this reason, Fideuram Asset Management has combined the traditional financial investment assessment with ESG metrics (criteria for the measurement of a company's environmental, social and governance performance) and has adopted sustainable strategies in line with the PRI principles, integrated into various steps of the investment and advisory process, capable of adapting with flexibility to the different types of financial instruments and management styles.

To learn more about ESG investment strategies

Today we can offer a wide range of responsible solutions

Having always been innovators, we have chosen to play an active role in the pursuit of social and environmental responsibility. As such, we have been developing solutions that meet ESG criteria and distributing sustainable financial products in our Division for years, while reconciling the risk, return and diversification objectives required by optimal portfolio management.

Our range of sustainable products aims to meet our customers' main needs, including Funds, Asset Management and Insurance products.

Even in our role as a Distributor, we pay particular attention to selecting solutions that can help meet our customers' sustainability needs.
Of the non-Group funds (approximately EUR 39.9 billion in client assets)*, more than 80% are classified under Articles 8 and 9 of the SFDR** by their respective fund managers. 

*Data as of 31.12.2023, internal source.

**Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 November 2019 on sustainability‐related disclosures in the financial services sector.